Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Fence by Date Certain Pledge

A border fence to stop the flow of illegal immigration into the US is the single biggest step we can take to secure our homeland. This should be THE voting issue in 2008, with an eye toward getting a total and complete fence--a physical fence, not a virtual fence!--by mid-2009. If the voters make it absolutely positively clear to politicians that they want this fence built, it will get built.

So Americans, mindful of their national sovereignty and homeland security, should respectfully request all candidates for federal office to sign this Fence by Date Certain pledge:

Whereas, America's national sovereignty and homeland security are under threat;

Whereas, millions of illegal aliens--including drug smugglers, sex traffickers, jihadists, and terrorists--have come across our borders in recent years;

Whereas, America is less safe and secure as a result of this federal inaction on border security;

Whereas, Americans, once informed and made fully aware of threats to their well-being, never fail to do the right thing;

Whereas, Americans have a demonstrated genius for effective action and a "can do" spirit--as the Seabees say, "the difficult we do immediately, the impossible takes a little longer." So this fence must be built by Americans, with American materials.

And so we, the citizens of the United States of America, have joined together in a patriotic union to respectfully but insistently request that all of our federal elected officials sign this Fence By Date Certain Pledge--or explain to us why they refuse:

I, _____, pledge to vote for, fully fund, and speedily expedite the construction of a secure double fence across the US-Mexican border within six months after the convening of the next Congress.



End of pledge. It's that simple. Either they sign or they don't.

Copyright (C) 2007, James P. Pinkerton -- permission freely granted for non-profit use.

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